Tom Probyn’s Personal Site

This site is sort of a dumping ground for anything I find marginally interesting really. It’s not much to behold design-wise but it seems the precedent these days is a page with more adverts than actual copy so there is that I suppose. I don’t even need a cookie warning! (Although you may wish to read GitHub’s as this site is hosted with them).

Anyway, here’s some of the things I do:

📁 All Blogs

Every blog I’ve ever written in a list.

📝 Notes

Notes are short microblogging format posts

🏷️ View all tags

See all the tags which I use to categorise my blogs, and subscribe to the ones that interest you

🌈 Everything

A list of absolutely every main page on this site! A great place to start exploring.

Whilst I work on an internal search engine for the site, you can use this one powered by DuckDuckGo to search for blogs and pages.

Latest Blogs

  1. 📄 Perfect pitch is like touch typing: A very strange analogy
  2. 📄 Why I built a static site generator
  3. 📄 The first snow of 2024 has arrived!
  4. 📄 Justifying JavaScript: Politeness on the Web
  5. 📄 The simplified ratio clock: A ridiculous mathematical timepiece


All Notes

  1. 📄 Musical Grid In NLEs
  2. 📄 Quickly add RSS URL to Newsboat
  3. 📄 Get an RSS feed for any Mastodon profile
  4. 📄 Testing, Testing 123!