My Now Page

Last Updated: 2nd February 2025

Main things

I’m currently in Edinburgh, studying BSc UX Design at Edinburgh Napier University, where I’m in my third and final year. I’m completing my honours project which is moving along very quickly and (may) be the reason I neglected to update the now page in January. I’m building a home-usable library management system specifically aimed at old books which don’t have ISBN data.


My amateur HT arrived! It’s been fantastic listening for a month or so to the 2m/70cms bands, and I’ve really wanted to join in. So, today I’m starting the Essex Ham (Free) Foundation Online course! I’ve got my exam booked in for February 24th, so hopefully by next month, I’ll be a licensed operator! I’m also still on PMR446 on a Sunday night, so if you’re around Edinburgh tune to Ch. 6 (446.06875MHz) and listen out for me. The furthest contact I’ve had so far was 11 miles between Calton Hill and Broxburn.


Mostly historical (generally ecclesiastical) architecture books. I haven’t really had the chance to read blogs recently, so I’ve been neglecting my RSS feed for the past month. I came back to it to see I had 900 unread articles! Unfortunately, I had to clear most of them and start again.

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Tagged as: now-page utility-pages